Friday, December 30, 2011

12 Days of Christmas - NYY Edition

Hello there! I know what you're thinking: Why have you girls been gone for so long? Well, here at Pinstripe Love, we're not all about stating the obvious. We like to take our time and be thoughtul with our posts. I mean, you already know that we won the AL East but nothing else, Tex popped up 600 times, Mo saved 600, and Jeter is still saving himself for, well,

So, for now, I would like to just round out the holiday season with a little "12 days of Christmas" - NYY Edition. And then, that's it! It's all about leaving 2011 behind and looking forward (because harping on the fact that Jeter wasn't under my Christmas tree for the sixteenth year in a row would just be wrong...gosh, I even left a dish of brown rice and a venti coffee from Starbucks...I'm sooooo unlucky).

Ok, enjoy!

Twelve beers for numbing, (to calm our nerves around hot Yankees)
Eleven games pinstriping, (mighta been more at the Stadium this year...)
Ten nights of weeping, (all due to DJ3K)
Nine hotties glancing, (ahh - Mark! ;) )
Eight innings chilling, (we wake up for the 9th...)
Seven weeks of gymming, (for spring training!)
Six hours of Michael Kay-ing, (including pre- and post-games)
Five World Series rings, (oh, Derek!)
Four slurrrrred words, (after 7 innings of booze)
Three blazin' men, (guess who...)
(at least) Two gold glove snubs,
And another season with my favorite Lees!

Here's to another slammin' season of Yankees baseball! Please note that Pinstripe Love will be visiting the Yankees Spring Training camp for the fourth time this March, so stay tuned for our recap and 2012 predictions...and maybe a sprinkling of ca-razzzy Tampa moments brought to you by yours truly (and my besties, Dana and Erica!!). I will leave you with some Jeter quotes that I've come across over the years to keep us all amped up for the good times ahead!!:

"God, I hope I wear this jersey forever."
"Yankee Stadium is my favorite stadium. I'm not going to lie to you. There's a certain feel you get in Yankee Stadium."
"My heroes, my dreams, and my future lie in Yankee Stadium, and they can't take that from me."
"I think everyone is ticklish. You just gotta find the right spots." <--- whaaaat? yes, please!!

See you next year, g

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